3DS SSL mitm with Fiddler: Difference between revisions

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I haven't had to re-set this up many times so I keep forgetting something, especially installing the client cert which causes things like the eShop to break.
I haven't had to re-set this up many times so I keep forgetting something, especially installing the client cert which causes things like the eShop to break.
== For CustomRules.js ==
These are pretty old but might still work.
=== "class Handlers" definition ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
public static RulesOption("Hide Nintendo conntest", "Nintendo")
var m_HideNintendoConntest: boolean = false;
public static RulesOption("Hide Wii U", "Nintendo")
var m_HideWiiU: boolean = false;
public static RulesOption("Breakpoint on NetUpdateSOAP Request", "Nintendo")
var m_BpNUSOAPReq: boolean = false;
public static RulesOption("Breakpoint on NetUpdateSOAP Response", "Nintendo")
var m_BpNUSOAPResp: boolean = false;
public static RulesOption("CTR: Hide eShop Images", "Nintendo")
var m_CTRHideEShopImages: boolean = false;
public static RulesOption("CTR: Redirect CDN requests", "Nintendo")
var m_CTRRedirectNUS: boolean = false;
=== OnBeforeRequest ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
// Set the custom column to the current device.
oSession["ui-customcolumn"] = "";
if (typeof oSession.m_clientIP !== "undefined") {
if      (oSession.m_clientIP.Contains("")) oSession["ui-customcolumn"] += "Wii U";
else if (oSession.m_clientIP.Contains("")) oSession["ui-customcolumn"] += "New 3DS XL";
else if (oSession.m_clientIP.Contains("")) oSession["ui-customcolumn"] += "New 3DS";
else if (oSession.m_clientIP.Contains("")) oSession["ui-customcolumn"] += "Blue 3DS";
else if (oSession.m_clientIP.Contains("")) oSession["ui-customcolumn"] += "2DS";
// Hide Wii U
if (oSession["ui-customcolumn"] == "Wii U" && m_HideWiiU) oSession["ui-hide"] = true;
// Breakpoint on NetUpdateSOAP Request
if ((oSession.PathAndQuery.StartsWith("/nus/services/NetUpdateSOAP")) && (m_BpNUSOAPReq)) {
oSession["x-breakrequest"] = true;
// Breakpoint on NetUpdateSOAP Response
if ((oSession.PathAndQuery.StartsWith("/nus/services/NetUpdateSOAP")) && (m_BpNUSOAPResp)) {
oSession["x-breakresponse"] = true;
// CTR: Hide eShop Images
if ((oSession.fullUrl.Contains("kanzashi-ctr.cdn.nintendo.net/i/")) && (m_CTRHideEShopImages)) {
oSession["ui-hide"] = "true";
// Hide Nintendo conntest
if ((oSession.HostnameIs("conntest.nintendowifi.net")) && (m_HideNintendoConntest)) {
oSession["ui-hide"] = "true";
// CTR: Redirect CDN requests
// Your replacement CDN server must serve ALL the titles!!! NIM (which does the content downloading) does not support HTTP redirects here.
if (m_CTRRedirectNUS) {
if (oSession.fullUrl.Contains("http://nus.cdn.c.shop.nintendowifi.net/ccs/download/")) {
FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("NUS Redirected: {0}", oSession.fullUrl);
// redirect to locally run web server
oSession.fullUrl = oSession.fullUrl.Replace("http://nus.cdn.c.shop.nintendowifi.net/ccs/download/", "")
oSession["ui-backcolor"] = "Lavender";
} else if (oSession.fullUrl.Contains("https://ccs.c.shop.nintendowifi.net/ccs/download/")) {
var tid = oSession.fullUrl.Substring(49, 16);
var IsSystemTitle = tid.Substring(0, 8) in L(["00040010", "0004001B", "00040030", "0004009B", "000400DB", "00040130", "00040138"]);
if (IsSystemTitle) {
FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("NUS TMD Redirected: {0}", oSession.fullUrl);
oSession.fullUrl = oSession.fullUrl.Replace("https://ccs.c.shop.nintendowifi.net/ccs/download/", "")
oSession["ui-backcolor"] = "Lavender";

[[Category:Nintendo 3DS]]
[[Category:Nintendo 3DS]]

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